ROSEVILLE, MINN. (September 10, 2012) — The BATC Foundation is moving ahead on two new projects this fall. They’re repairing the home of a wounded war veteran, and they’re fixing up a home for a woman and her family in partnership with Project for Pride in Living.
Noah Gordon Project
Helping Veterans is truly rewarding for the Foundation, so they were pleased to respond to a request by the Veteran’s Administration to help Veteran, Noah Gordon. Noah was injured while serving in Kuwait in 2003 when the vehicle in which he was riding flipped several times. Noah sustained a traumatic brain injury (TBI) along with numerous broken bones (in his face, leg, elbow and ribs), plus other injuries. He spent over a month in Bethesda Hospital in Washington D.C., followed by three months in the Minneapolis VA hospital. He owns a home in South St. Paul, and is unemployed, on disability. That doesn’t keep Noah down, as he does volunteer work for his church, for Beyond Yellow Ribbon and the South St. Paul Jaycees. He has also written an account of his injury for the Veterans Book Program.
The Foundation, with builder partner, Soderbeck Design and Construction, Inc., is pleased to be able to help Noah. They will do repairs, replace leaky windows and doors, and install a new water softener with the goal of helping him continue to live independently.
Project for Pride in Living Partnership
This is the Foundation’s second project in partnership with Project for Pride in Living (PPL), and will help a family in Minneapolis. The homeowner had purchased her home in 2003, but within a year it became apparent that there were major problems that had been covered up cosmetically. The older home had major plumbing problems that had never been fixed. Water damage throughout the home was compounded by the need for new windows and a new roof. Repairs would also need to mitigate for lead paint and solve a radon problem.
PPL had raised part of the funds needed to complete the repairs, but turned to the Foundation for help. Bringing in builder partner, Thompson Exteriors, the Foundation is ready to ensure this woman, along with her two daughters, son, and her son’s girlfriend and their baby get to live in a safe and comfortable home.
Work on both projects is set to start in September.
Don’t forget to visit both NIH Homes on this year’s Fall Parade of Homes.